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For most of us, we are currently adjusting to a very different lifestyle. While we are all taking proactive precautionary measures like washing our hands and social distancing to preserve our physical health, your mental health is just as important.
Tune in and stay connected
With everyone working from home, trying to keep things ticking over, it is important to add a social component to interactions with colleagues. Consider virtual coffee breaks, online yoga sessions, Google Hangout happy hours or mindfulness sessions. Take the lead and plan something so that everyone feels connected. You can also do this with neighbourhood groups, extended family, your circle of friends, your church or your local playgroup.
Set a routine
Having a structure to your day will not just make you happier mentally, it will also make it easier to return to your regular schedule once the lockdown comes to an end. While it can be tempting to stay in your pyjamas until lunchtime, make an effort to shower and dress to face the day. Add a regular walk or workout to keep your heart rate up and clear your head.
Do something nice for someone
We could all use a little kindness these days and there’s plenty of time to do something nice. Grab some sidewalk chalk and write a nice message for passers-by. Make a cheerful sign to post on your front door that will make people smile. Call your elderly neighbours and check on them to see if they need anything that you could add to your shop and drop off at their door. Above all, be patient as we all get used to keeping our distance and remember your etiquette when queuing for groceries.
Start that hobby or tackle a project
People thrive on a sense of accomplishment, that may be lacking now that activities are limited. Now is the time to take on those projects around the house that have been languishing such as clearing out the garden, garage or closets. There are also tons of tutorials on Youtube that can teach you about a hobby you have been considering for ages. Now is the time to give it a go!
Practise self care
Set aside a few moments each day to take care of yourself. This can mean escaping to a quiet room or the garden for 30 minutes of peace. You could also find at-home facial recipes or do-it-yourself spa treatments. Linger over a long recipe to challenge your inner gourmet chef. Listen to a meditation session online for a few moments of serenity.We are all in this together and need to look after each other until this time passes. Keep in mind that all of this is temporary and how grateful we will be to get together again. Make a list of things that you would like to do after the lockdown. Things to look forward to. A road trip, a day at the beach or a meal at your favourite restaurant.
Kia Kaha, Stay Strong, Stay Safe, Stay Home, Stay Connected.

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