Sacha 0274 787 343 | Brigid 021 628 354


Book Your Free Property Appraisal From The Industry Experts

Wondering "What's my house currently worth?" 
We have the tools and the expertise to provide you with a Face to Face or  virtual property appraisal to give you a good idea what your home might be currently worth.

Use the form below to book your FREE, no obligation market appraisal. We will do in-depth research to find recent comparable sales, comparable houses that are currently on the market, area statistics, historical data and an assessment of your property's added value to provide you with a comprehensive report that will give you a likely range that your home would sell for today.  

We will also give you some 'top tips' to ensure that your home sells for a premium price. 

Your home is worth more when you sell with The Dream Team.

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